          Hospice Chaplain resigns over ban on word 'God' Hospice Chaplain resigns over ban on word 'God'... http 租屋網:// You don't believe i 商務中心n God, you are committing the crime against the law of United States o 褐藻醣膠f America. If you are foreigner, you don't believe in God, you dare come to USA, you h 帛琉ave to have the guts to die here(Why? Because you don't believe in God, you come to USA, you can only see USA "聲 辦公室出租.Sir.Chwon.Mar" suck, you cannot see the best integrity USA politicians and business and the bravest people unselfish hard working matter.); 賣房子if you are born in USA, you don't believe in God, you must not be allowed to show up in any American public place (Because USA majorly founded by stupid ba 濾桶d ugly evil prisoners, you don't believe in God, you must have no way to stand firm from any hypocrite ass kissers evil doer dragon you down or bend to any stupid bad ugly evil underg 關鍵字廣告round chained slavery terrors forceful pressed to you.), not mention to drive, take bus, walk on street to shop or to work. You don't believe in God, you dare go to work in USA, USA President and all US ARMANIA public official must have to do the duty to kill you immediately in your work place or any public street. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 設計裝潢  .

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